Kingston Flavours 420 Family Dispensary

Harlequin (High CBD Strain)


Strain Highlights

Harlequin is a 75/25 sativa-dominant strain renowned for its reliable expression of CBD. A descendant of Colombian Gold, a Nepali indica, and Thai and Swiss landrace strains, you can depend on Harlequin to provide clear-headed, alert sativa effects. Unlike most high-CBD strains, Harlequin almost always develops a CBD:THC ratio of 5:2, making this strain one of the most effective out there for treatment of pain and anxiety, as CBD can counteract THC’s paranoia while amplifying its painkilling properties. Flavors can range from earthy musk to sweet mango, but without a doubt, what draws crowds to Harlequin is its ability to relax without sedation and to relieve without intoxication

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Harlequin is a special strain for many reasons. A diverse parentage, this hybrid has the best of all worlds, not to mention its solid CBD levels and ability to cure many pain conditions. This is what makes this strain indispensable, and what will continue to make it a popular sativa for recreational and medical users alike.

This sativa-dominant strain has a very interesting parentage. Harlequin is a descendant of Colombian Gold, Thai and Swiss landrace sativas and a Nepali indica. This special combination is sure to deliver a clean and energizing high, that is guaranteed to provide the best of all sativa effects.

Harlequin is an ultra-diverse combo hybrid, that is just brimming with all sorts of superpowers. This hybrid just boasts of a really high CBD level, around 10-15%, which is a clear indicator of its medicinal abilities. This is what makes this strain a favorite among doctors who are looking to prescribe something potent for the fight against chronic pain.


Information about Harlequin Strain:

ORIGIN Colombian Gold, Thai sativa, Nepali indica mixed with Swiss Sativa
EFFECTS relaxed – 10
happy – 9
uplifted – 8
focused – 8
energetic – 6
dry eyes – 6
dizzy – 3
anxious – 3
headache – 2
FRAGRANCE citrus, earthy, mango, sweet
FLAVORS earthy, woody, spicy, herbal
MEDICAL pain – 10
stress – 9
depression – 6
inflammation – 5
headaches – 4
THC CONTENT % 7%-15%
CBD % 10%-15%
INDICA / SATIVA % 25% / 75%
OUTDOOR YIELD 21oz/ plant
CLIMATE warm but not too warm, and humidity around 50%

* 10 is the highest
* 1 is the lowest



This powerful hybrid is a great smoke for when you are looking to find some mental release, without feeling tired. Harlequin has inherited all its positive effects from its parentage. This strain is a great relaxant, with an ability to calm the mind, and allow you to stay focused and on point.


Harlequin is first and foremost uplifting and a happiness-inducing bud. This sativa dominant strain will let you keep your functionality 100%, meaning it is the perfect smoke to start a day with, because instead of slowing you down, this strain may actually help you get stuff done, and get it done while feeling inspired and creative.


This strain will turn you into a ball of energy, and let you be social and forward-thinking, all while feeling invigorated and brimming with ideas. Harlequin is great at keeping you focused, and will let have you completing your usual tasks with more accuracy and vigor.



Harlequin is a sweet-smelling plant, that will fill the room with a pleasant and natural aroma. It’s not particularly strong smelling, which is perfect because its earthiness isn’t overwhelming, it is just right. This hybrid will leave a gentle whiff of fresh tropical mangoes in the air.

The Fragrance Of Harlequin

The Fragrance Of Harlequin



This hybrid has a very strong herbal flavor, that is cut in with some spiciness. Harlequin tastes mostly earthy, mixed in with fresh pine notes. This strain’s smoke has a creamy, woody flavor to it that is both pleasant and invigorating.

Adverse reactions

Harlequin has a few adverse effects, mostly relating to its potency. This is why sometimes you may experience a little dizziness when smoking this particular strain. This dizziness may also lead to a slight feeling of anxiety and mild paranoia

This hybrid can make you feel slightly parched, giving you a sensation of a dry mouth, and also dry eyes. Harlequin can also sometimes give you a slight headache on the comedown, although this is something that doesn’t occur very often.



Harlequin is a vigorous painkiller, all thanks to its way-above-average CBD levels. This hybrid has proven to be very successful at nixing common pains such as migraines, headaches, muscle spasms and joint pains, and is therefore very highly recommended by doctors for their long-suffering patients.

This hybrid is also talented in the stress department. Harlequin is a great mood-altering smoke. This is why it provides great support to patients who suffer from chronic stress and all its debilitating symptoms.

Depression and anxiety stand no chance against this mood-elevator, because of its ability to conjure up the happy vibes. Harlequin is also perfect for the treatment of inflammation, such as joint pains, because it is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, and will rid you of those aches and pains instantly.



Harlequin produces notoriously high CBD levels, and if this is what you are aiming for, then it is recommended to harvest this pretty flower early. This hybrid is usually covered in a thick layer of trichomes when it is ripe for plucking.

Harlequin Growing

Harlequin Growing

Humidity needs to be controlled well, and in indoor settings, Harlequin needs appropriate trimming to allow a healthy airflow. This plant likes warmth, but don’t go crazy on the heat so she doesn’t wither and dry up.


Flowering Time

This strain takes an estimated of 8 to 9 weeks to flower and be ready for a harvest. Harlequin can reap an average of about 25 ounces per square meter, of good, potent bud.

Harlequin is relatively easy to cultivate, as long as you pay close attention to the humidity levels, which should not exceed the recommended 50%. This hybrid can yield an average of about 21 ounces per plant during harvest.

Have you ever smoked or grown your own Harlequin? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.

Additional information

Select Quantity

1 Ounce, 1 Pound, 1/2 Ounce, 1/2 Pound, 1/4 Pound, 1/8 Pound


$125, $200, $450, $500, $900, $1750


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