Kingston Flavours 420 Family Dispensary

Afghan Kush (Indica)



TYPE: Indica

THC: up to 15%

APPEARANCE: Light and darker color green with thick orange hairs

SMELL:  Not the greatest smell mango mixed with a musty basement

BEST FOR TREATING:  Insomnia, Anxiety, Pain, Appetite, Depression and Migraines

CREATED FEELINGS:  Good for night time, energetic at first then mellow and relaxing

DURATION: Varies by quality but usually 2 hours


Buy Afghan Kush Online

Otherwise known as ‘Afghan OG,’ Afghan Kush is a legend among the indicas. This perfect day ender is a quintessential original indica (90/10), with high THC levels that produces a potent body stone (great for lights out or serious relaxation). Our Pemberton Valley crop produces impressive resin-heavy blunt-topped nuggets that are soft and earthy in flavor with a woody aroma. Welcome to pure indica epicness.

Insomnia? Restlessness? ADD/ADHD? You may especially enjoy this strain. At nearly 100% indica, this strain is known to induce sleepiness, lethargy, and an increased appetite. The intense body-numbing sensations this strain causes make it a popular strain especially among those suffering from severe or chronic pain, glaucoma, arthritis, or migraines. Its appetite stimulating effects also make it a strain commonly used to treat anorexia or the side-effects of chemotherapy.

Due to its potency and intensity of physical effects, it is not uncommon for users to report feeling anxious or dizzy at higher doses. Other common complaints are experiencing dry mouth and eyes and overwhelming lethargy.

This strain is naturally grown in the Hindu Kush mountain range and is known to have a very earthy and hash-like scent and taste. It grows in very dense, dark nugs that are heavily covered in trichomes.

Buy Afghan Kush Online It smells like a mango orange farm with a hint of funk to it that is comparable to an old musty basement. Does not have the trademark Kush smell, but it does have its own unique odor and it works well for night time use. Provides an energetic burst of energy right off the bat. After a few minutes it provides a very relaxed focus feeling. Keeps you right on the edge of energetic and couch locked. Great for anxiety and relaxing.

Afghan Kush aka ‘Afghan OG’ traces back to the Hindu Kush mountain range near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and is one of the most resinous varieties on the planet. The plant is a strong traditional indica, with large, wide and dark leaves, yielding massive, blunt-topped nuggets full of resin making it the ultimate source for hash such as charas and the sticky black Afghani hash.

Additional information

Select Quantity

1/2 Ounce, 1 Ounce, 1/8 Pound, 1/4 Pound, 1/2 Pound, 1 Pound


$155, $310, $600, $750, $1,000, $1,900


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